Points: 30

The society in which you live is a lonely place, isn't it? Few friends, few loves, few connections. You are pulled apart by a need to be working, driving and maintaining a home you barely live it. Instead of seeking friendship through your bars and dating apps, perhaps I can be of service. Indeed, with my help, your world will be transformed! All those suffering, isolated souls shall find community, and you will be under whom they congregate. I am going to give you a harem! It will be filled with many hundreds, thousands, or millions of the people of earth, filling the rest of your life with the kind of community your heart has always cried out for. Take 30 points, and mold this Macro-Harem (Patent pending) as you see fit!

Original cyoa created by u/dragon_jak (https://www.reddit.com/r/nsfwcyoa/comments/t2afvt/the_biggest/) Interactive version made by u/ppperson325 None of the images are owned, contact u/ppperson325 to have your image removed

Harem style

First of all, we should figure out what kind of Macro-harem you would like. Choose one of the following.


The most equal of these options. There is no patriarch or matriarch of the whole system. It's just a bunch of people who like each other. It's like having a really big group of friends. The responsibilities of a relationship are spread out across the whole group. Some of these people you're in love with, some of them you have sex with, and some of them you just enjoy hanging out with.


A more classical harem. It's a cut-throat thing, these sexual paradises. You are the leader of the group, but there are several different stratas. At the bottom are the servants. They do the jobs needed to keep the harem running like cleaning, admin, cooking, and so on. They masturbate to you, but aren't permitted to touch you. Then there are the beauties. This group are those you want to have sex with, but nothing deeper. Their job is to look good and be available for your ravenous desires. Then there are the lovers. They are permitted to know you on a truly intimate level, both sexually and emotionally. Everybody within the harem wants to be a lover, and will fight tooth and nail to attain/keep such a position.

Harem size

How many members does your harem have?


Pick a business. All the employees of that business are in your harem, and you are now either a major shareholder or the owner of the place. If you picked Polygamy, it becomes a worker co-op with you as one of the employees.

Ye faithful

Pick a religion. All followers of this religion are now part of your harem, and you are seen as the reincarnation of their god. If you picked Polyamory, the religion will begin to believe that their god is not some singular being apart from all, but rather than each member is a part of that god.


Pick a political ideology. Everyone who subscribes to that ideology's most basic arguments will now be a part of your harem. This includes people who don't know what the ideology is or don't call themselves that, but still act in alignment with those political goals. No better way to get all the world's monarchists into the same place than by giving them a sexy emperor!


Pick a city. Everyone in that city is a part of your harem, and you are now the mayor of said city with a stunningly consistent chance of getting re-elected. If you picked Polyamory, then any sort of government will be dissolved in favour of communal, co-operative living.


Pick a country. Everyone in that country is part of your harem, and you are now the monarch of that country. If you picked Polyamory, then any sort of government will be dissolved in favour of communal, co-operative living.


All members of the human race are now part of your harem, and you are the ruler of earth. If you picked Polyamory, then any sort of government will be dissolved in favour of communal, co-operative living. If you chose Monogamy? only your partner will remain outside of your harem.


Cost: 1 point

Pick any institution that doesn't fit into any of the other options I've shown you here. This is a bit of a catch-all, in case you want to fuck the entire MENSA group and have a really clever harem. If you chose a polyamory harem, you will now be part of said institution on your own merits rather than simply being in control, so choose wisely. For example, if you also have A story to tell, and you pick the JLA, Hierarchy harems would have you as you are, just in control, whereas Polyamory harems have you as an actual member of the team with relevant (but not OP) powers/abilities.


Cost: 1 point

Pick two of the other sizes in this section. The second harem size applies to an alien race who has just made contact with earth. They are now also part of your harem. You could choose to have a Business full of humans, but only a city full of aliens for example. These aliens will be attractive enough to you, despite their differing biology. They will be capable of pleasurable sex, communication, and human emotion when it comes to you. You may buy this multiple times for each additional alien species.

A story to tell

Cost: 2 points

You now have access to a fictional universe of your choice. Pick a harem size from elsewhere in this section to apply to this universe. You might have a city full of people in your harem from your home world, but now you might also have everybody on Marvel's earth as part of your harem as well. You may buy this multiple times for multiple fictional universes.

Pick a number

Cost: 1 point

Choose any number larger than 100. That many people are now part of your harem. They will be spread randomly throughout the human population. If the number of partners you chose does not exist, new humans will be magically created.


Cost: 5 points

You now have between three and twenty members of your harem, not including you. This is the smallest harem I can give you before my magic starts to act up, so don't go wasting my gift!